iPhone App Review: Uber - A new taxi service for the future

Gadgets Logo & Brand review

Have you heard of the Uber app yet? Perhaps, I am the last person on the planet to know about it, but the Uber app is unbelievable and it is slowly taking over the world, city by city.

The Uber app is a brilliant new taxi service that connects you with a driver “at the tap of a button”. It is slowly transforming global transportation and it has been quickly expanding into cities all over the world. The Uber app is a Silicone valley startup that is pioneered and co-founded by Travis Kalanick. It offers a faster, cheaper and better way for all of us to get around.

How does it work? It is quite simple actually. Download the Uber app from the Apple store, enter your credit card information and Voila! That’s pretty much it. When you want a ride, simply open up the Uber app and press one button. With that one touch, a network of Uber cars in your area are contacted and the closest car to you will arrive within minutes to pick you up. No longer do you need to spend time talking to an operator or typing in your current address. The Uber app uses GPS to locate you current position and based on that data, they send a car to you asap. No cash is needed either. Everything is charged directly to your credit card so you no longer need to worry about having money on you or how to get to the nearest ATM.

Uber fare Split Uber fare Split

Since its initial launch in May 2010, Uber has attracted a wide array of clients ranging from your average Joe to your Wall Street executives and celebrities. Their cars include the Prius, SUVs, high-end sedans and luxury cars. Last August, Uber received a $258 investment from Google, which helped catapult Uber onto the Express Success Highway. Based on some numbers that I found on the Internet, Uber is said to averaged about 1 million ride requests per week and they have somewhere around 430,000 active clients. Wow! Apparently even now in San Francisco, Uber has become its own noun (like how Google has become a verb) and people are said to be hear saying “I got an Uber yesterday”. Amazing! Now located in 36 countries around the world, don’t you want to try an Uber today?

Personally, I love this app (as a mater of fact, I am downloading it now as we speak) and I can’t wait to give Uber a try. What do you think of the Uber logo? Do you think that it is too simple? Do you think that it matches up well with the modern and advanced taxi service that they provide? Is it catchy enough in today’s competitive market?

Uber logo Uber logo

I think that the Uber logo is the perfect logo for an app and I can easily find it on my iPhone. I think that it is very much in the style of the other app logos out there and I love how simple and yet distinct it is. It think that yes, it is sleek, classy and stylish, all attributes that the Uber company is trying to have associated with their services. Great work team Uber!

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